As a new academic semester begins, it is an opportune time to set our sights on personal growth, academic achievement and spiritual growth. With determination and a positive mindset, we can aim to become the best version of ourselves, not only academically but also in our overall development. By embracing the challenges ahead and utilizing…
I could not restrain my tears from flowing as I stood, head bowed at her funeral; the letter of her appointment in my hands. I read through the letter the day it was delivered to my apartment. She had used that address while we were still living together. The terms of her appointment were too…
What If Tomorrow Never Comes.
Hello… ‘Me?’ you ask. Yes, you… I know that you are in a haste to get to the class now, you do not want to miss the lecturer’s attendance you say and you have a lot to do tomorrow as well. There’s a question I’ll like to ask you before you hurry off please… ‘What…
Will You
Dear Reader, In a world where truth has become somewhat outdated and men have chosen lies in its place, will you still human chorionic gonadotropin for sale this is why stand for the truth? In a world where immorality and everything related to it has become a norm, will you still stand for purity?…
You might be sitting down even right now, reading this with the last bit of strength in you. You have prayed, fasted, strengthened your faith in God’s word, yet that situation has remained the same. Many times you have wondered why the situation has remained the same. Your request? ‘It is legitimate you say,’…
The Danger of Conformity
In Romans 12:2, the Apostle Paul admonishes Christians not to be “conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of [their] mind, that [they] may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” By instructing Christians not to be conformed to “this world”, He was referring to the world…
The prodigal
My eyes kept darting back and forth as I held on tightly to my tattered bag. It looked so worn out but it contained the clothing I had left, that is the ones I did not sell and the meager currency notes I had left; tattered as it was, it was the only and the…
(Biblical Principles and guide to obtaining and living in wisdom) Wisdom has been and still remains the desire of every man. We want to go beyond mediocrity, we want to be great achievers, we really desire to rise above the normal. All these cannot be achieved by mere human wisdom, it can only be brought…
Fit for Heaven.
Heaven, the abode of God, is devoid of sin, blemish, or spot of any kind. Its inhabitants are holy and pure; no unholy person lives there. Holiness is the attribute nature and character of God and must be the feature of any person who desires to live with Him in heaven. Revelation 21:27 tells us…
Empowered Christians in the world.
We live in an era of global insecurity, suffering, distress, conflict, and increasing spiritual warfare against Christians. Nevertheless, amid such grim darkness, it is comforting to know that as Christians, Christ has assured us of victory in this present evil world. In John 16:33, Jesus foretold the troubles and tribulations that will befall this world…