The Heavens were silent, the earth made no sound, every living creature trembled and man was in agony, the angels cried – what can buy the redemption of mankind, for there was none qualify to purchase it? The devil thought he had won until the lamb of God arose with Love and Compassion and a made-up mind surrendered as the ultimate sacrifice for man’s redemption. He came and died an amazing death on the cross which was the only way to save man and reconcile him to God.
At the cross, just before He gave up the ghost, He placed an official signature on the purchased redemption – It Is Finished. There was a great earthquake, the earth shook and the veil of the hollies of holy in temple was rent and torn-apart. You are free to return home, the price has been paid and the ultimate one, no other requirement – neither the blood of bulls, dove, sheep but the blood of the lamb of God has paid it all.
Accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior, he natural generic cialis tadalafil died to redeem you.