Is your name out? Have you being given admission?
This is usually a very important word among aspiring students of any higher institution of learning. It is what makes a year one student the same with a final year student because he or she was once admitted into the institution before he got to that level.
Most of the time, we tend to forget life most important admission- the admission into heaven. Before any student is admitted, he or she must meet certain specified criteria such as clearing 0’level, passing well in JAMB/aptitude test. There is also a criterion for being admitted into heaven – “holiness”. The bible says without holiness, no eyes shall see God and God dwells in Heaven; anyone that is unholy will not go to heaven. What is best place to buy tadalafil tablets the king of life you are living today? Are you holy? Living without sin and unrighteousness or are you a moralist? People may love and see you as you are outside but it is only God that sees the inside; He knows how your heart, life and being is. He is interested in granting you admission but you must meet his criteria “Holiness”. Come to the fountain of life today.