She sat on her bed,as she looked through her personal development plans,tears freely flowed from her eyes. She had written down areas she needed to work on. Abigail could recall all the efforts she had put in to become the kind of woman she desired to be drawing her perspectives from God’s word. As the tears continued different thoughts flooded her mind, thoughts of frustrations, quitting,but quicky she ran for the ecape route because she was almost loosing it.

She ran for her hymn book,sang a couple of hymns,next she took her Bible as she read from the books of psalms.Slowly she let the words from each verse sink into her heart and she prayed.

Then the answer came! Peace came! She felt peace as she believed on the promises she read.The devil ran as he lost yet another mission! Mission failed was all he could say as he ran.

“So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17(KJV).

No success is without tears. The pathway to success is not without tears.This tears take the form of frustrations, oppositions, hurdles, challenges, trials. These are devil’s armed men to weaken you amidst life’s battles.

The question then comes what do you do with tears when the come? What you do with tears when they come determines where you will be after the tears have gone.

Do you cry and get frustrated? Do you cry and get depressed? Do you cry and sulk? Do you cry and become bitter? Do you cry and blame God? Do you cry and tell your friend? Well telling your friend sounds like a good idea but there is a better option! Why run off to your friend, when God has given us a closer companion. He is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the living God.

You want someone to talk to? talk to him. He is a being ,a personality,he can hear and he sure understands. Speak out your heart but don’t cast blames on God. Don’t cast blames on your family ,don’t cast blames on your country. Just speak to God.

Then don’t run off that way ,wait! God has something to say.You want to hear his voice? Read the word. The easiest way to hear the voice of God is by reading the word. Read the word concerning that situation,take solace in the promises and your faith becomes stronger. “So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God”( Romans10:17).

The devil’s mission is to bring you into believing that you cannot make it past that level you are. That’s such a big lie,he has always being a liar.The Bible calls him father of all liars. He specializes in lying ,if he can get your attention then he has succeeded.

Always remember to use the escape route. When life offers you dishes you can’t eat and remain on your toes, run for the word ,what is God’s mind concerning that predicament? Don’t listen to the lies of the devil!

The word of God is our escape route from situations we meet daily that we cannot handle,the word of God is our escape route from the voices of darkness,the word of God is our source of confidence,the word of God is the voice of God.

Fill your mind daily with the voice of God and the voice of the devil will become fainter and fainter.





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